MPHP Monday May 15, 2015 Andorra

May 15, 2015

Today Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil took in the sights of Canolich, Bixessarri and Sant Julia la Loria, Andorra. First Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil took a drive through the mountains. Along the way we saw this awesome rock formation so, naturally, we had to climb on it. You never outgrow some things. Like climbing things. And forts. And assuming your parents are picking up the tab for dinner. Besides, we haven’t broken too many lead refills so we generally think we’re invincible. Then Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil arrived in Sant Julia la Loria and found the Museo de Tabacs but we didn’t go in because we’ve spent a lot of time in North Carolina so we’re pretty well versed in tobacco. Plus we get daily (sometimes hourly) lessons in Spain. Then we checked out some of the sculptures on the squares. We found a cool one with water. Because nature. We found another cool one with boobs. Because boobs. Then Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil had a beer because he was hot, dammit, and we may or may not have two bottles of wine we need to finish before we check out tomorrow morning. And by “May or may not” Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil means he’s gonna get turnt up. Then Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil went for a hike. Hiking in NC had not prepared us for this. We had to take a few breaks. To take pictures, not because we’re way more out of shape than we like to acknowledge. Denial is a healthy part of our job. Then Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil took a bubble bath! Because all pencils need a good soak after a long hike. Also he had wine to drink and bubble baths and wine go together like uptight women and E.L. James. Then Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil had a delightful dinner of “This Little Piggy’s Little Piggies” which is Squeamish for “Pig’s Feet”. Plus snails. Yum! Mechanical Pinckney Hugo Pencil is a brave little pencil when it comes to gastronomy.

May 15, 2015

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